John and I played my final league game- he was running Iron Hills and I, of course, my Riders of Theoden. As usual, we rolled 3 scenarios- all 3 of the maneuver scenarios! John vetoed Reconnoiter and I vetoed Storm the camp. That left Divide and Conquer.
John's Iron Hills list |
My Riders of Theoden |
Deployment. Just barely cut off from the "North West" is John's Goat Riders. For me in the North East is Theoden and Eomer's warbands. |
Dernhelm and Gamling ride hard to try to cutoff the Goat Riders. |
War Pig on the March. |
Forth Eorlingas! |
The Goat Riders are in danger of being swamped and surrounded- they attempt to link up with the main Dwarven lines. |
The dwarven battle line marches on turns 1 and 2 to push the center. Check out those new objective markers! |
The Goat riders take every throwing spear in the Rohan list... to no avail. Rohan dice started cold... but that's about to change. |
The lines prepare to clash over the central objective! NOTE- I remove the marker with a flat marker since they don't count as terrain and John needed to move his guys over top of it. |
Throwing Spears again do nothing, but Eomer and Dernhelm ride down the trailing Goat Rider. First blood to the siblings. |
The charge is devastating. John plays it smart, and rallies around the objective marker. He sends his goat riders to tie up my flank troops... but in the center all 4 Rohan heroes charge and Theoden calls DEATH! |
The result is crippling. 8 Dwarves fall to no casualties to the Rohirrim.
After the initial charge, the next turn sees Rohan swamping the Dwarf defenders. Dain gets off a cheeky heroic combat, slaying a Rider and slamming into Theoden. Theoden manages to survive on a clutch fate roll.
With that, turn 4 sees the Dwarves broken. We play turn 5- Eomer de-pigs Dain and Rohan continues cleaning up. One more rider of Rohan falls, but on the end of turn 5 the game ends with the dwarves broken.
In the end Rohan scores all 3 objectives (
3 for the center, and
2 for each wing objective). They also broke the enemy for a total of
8. The dwarves put a wound on Theoden, for a total final score of
8-1 for Rohan.
Honestly? My dice went very hot. I only lost a handful of fights in total. Even crazy defense falls hard to charging cavalry with 4 dice to wound. I do think John was in a tight spot from the getgo with the scenarios we rolled, and I really don't think he made any mistakes. In fact, I think he played very well!
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