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Build me an Army Worthy of Mordor! My first Uruks for Isengard

Quick painting update today! These started life as my friend Dan's models who got started on them, but they passed hands to me and I was able to get them across the finish line. I am quite happy with the result, and I'm getting pretty excited to put Isengard on the board. With my robust forces of Mordor, Minas Tirith, and Rohan I'll have completed armies for the "big 4".

I used a pretty tried and true method for these guys. I'll lay out the steps below!
  1. After assembly, I spray coat them with GW Lead Belcher
  2. Next, I give the whole model a healthy drybrush of Vallejo Silver to catch the edges of the metal
  3. Then I did the skin with Vallejo Saddle Brown
  4. I also hit the chain mail bits with a Vallejo Black Wash as I want them to be darker.
With the basics out of the way, I moved on to the details.

  1. I did the gloves in Vallejo German Grey
  2. Painted the pikes with Vallejo black
  3. Bits of cloth with Vallejo Khaki
  4. Straps with Vallejo Chocolate Brown (I switched to Army Painter Oak Brown, which works but I hate Army Painter paints... just what matched the most)
After that I gave the whole model a thick wash with Vallejo Black. I would've suggested Nuln oil here, but the new formula comes out shiny and doing a matte coat over it looks cloudy... so Vallejo it is!

Finally, I did the hands with Vallejo white. I wanted some to look like hands dipped in paint and others to look like they were painted sloppily on the shields.

And that's it! Here's the army with the Crebain I finished earlier, giving me a cool 240 points to start with. Now it's on to some Crossbows, then some heroes, then more Uruk Warriors.


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