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3D Printed Elven Tower by Davale Games

I've been a Patreon supporter of Davale Games for quite some time, and a few months back I got this sweet Elven Tower. Well, I finally replaced my old FDM printer with a brand spankin' new one and this was my first print!

I really dislike painting terrain, so usually give it the bare minimum effort required... this tower is no different. Thankfully, it's so cool looking it didn't need much! I will note, I glued the piece just under the roof upside down, but... you probably wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't said anything!

The paint job was dead simple, as I mentioned. Spray coated in GW Grey Seer. I then used Contrast Apothecary White on the internal, bricky bits to give some depth to the color. I then used Skeleton Horde on all the ligher tan areas, and Tallasar Blue on the shingles. Finally, I used Vallejo Hull Red (which is seriously and perhaps inexplicably one of my favorite colors) for the brown panels and for the undercoat of the gold bits.

Overall I am quite happy with the end result for the minimal effort- a testament to how neat the sculpt is! I am now heavily considering printing a 2nd one... though I really like how it fits in nicely with my elven tree platforms and autumn trees.

Thanks for checking it out!


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