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Iron Hills Painting Progress!

Just a quick post today highlighting my growing Iron Hills collection. With every model pictured here I am just shy of 600 points which feels like a "full sized" game to me. Next, I'll be adding a Captain mounted on Goat, a banner, some crossbows, and finally some Goat cavalry to take me to 800 points. Someday I want to add the Ballista!

As you can probably tell, this is my first entirely 3D printed army. The conversation around 3D printing is an interesting one in the hobby! On the one hand, of course, printing this means I did not pay GW for it. On the other hand... I probably just straight up wouldn't have in the first place!

For the most part, I 3D print only to supplement holes in the availability and often replace the 3D model as I can. As an example, I just picked up the new Elrond release to replace my previously 3D printed mounted Elrond and second elf banner. Finally, my collection is pretty massive so GW shareholders have profited plenty off of me and Andrew! Anyhow, I suppose I am trying to justify 3D printing which says plenty about where my head is around it- I am very interested to see how the industry adapts and react accordingly!

Bonus picture of Hudson. I got a ton of painting done because the poor boy had an operation, so I took the day off work to keep an eye on him. The day alternated between snuggles and painting. 


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