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Hurin the Tall, Warden of the Keys


Lord Hurin was assigned the office of the Warden of the Keys of Minas Tirith and for that he was also known as Húrin of the Keys.

Húrin fought in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, during which the Rohirrim were outnumbered and hard-pressed. Húrin, along with ForlongHirluin, and Imrahil came to their aid.[1]

After the battle, the armies of Gondor and Rohan marched to the Black Gate while Lord Húrin himself stayed in the city to command the small garrison that stayed behind.

A barricade was laid in place of the destroyed Great Gate at the gatehouse of the city. After the Fall of Sauron, at the coronation of Aragorn, he ceremoniously opened that barricade for the entry of the new king. [SOURCE]

Quick post today with the first of my Minas Tirith forces. Painting has been VERY slow lately as I've been totally addicted to Darktide- a cooperative 40k looter shooter. 

I really dig the mounted version of this model. Very dynamic and a fun sculpt. The foot version is cool, but "standing there looking grim" doesn't always look the coolest when he's engaged with a Nazgul on the table top or something.

I used a pretty traditional paint method here, priming in black. White is very very difficult to get right in this scenario, but I am pretty happy with the "cartoony" look of it. In close ups like these it doesn't look amazing, but when he is in a far away battle report shot, the white will pop!

Thanks for reading!


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