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Glorfindel Lord of the West

Glorfindel was tall and straight; his hair was of shining gold, his face fair and young and fearless and full of joy; his eyes were bright and keen, and his voice like music; on his brow sat wisdom, and in his hand was strength." Glorfindel was one of the mightiest Elves of Middle-earth.
As I mentioned on my Lords of the West article, it's pretty hilarious that this was announced literally hours after I finished painting the much older Glorfindel. Like many Tolkien fans, Glorfindel is one of my favorite characters- even though I am 100% on board with what Peter Jackson did with Arwen in his stead. 

Normally I absolutely HATE finecast, but this model really wasn't too bad overall. The casting was quite clean with very few supports and mold lines to clean up. Maybe that's only because the cast is so new.

He's been the leader of the Rivendell forces for most of our games- I prefer him to Elrond and Gil-Galad over all, only because of his flexibility. He can deal with just about anything. His biggest weakness is just his "killiness". Strength 4 is par for the course for most heroes, but given Glorfindel's cost it does feel a little weak. Though, he can two-hand AND has heroic strength, I just find my might on Glorfindel to be at an absolute premium while two-handing can be tough to pull off safely.

Plenty of battle reports to come featuring this guy! 


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